Leaving for Brussels

On Thursday the 12th June I’ll hitch-hike to Brussels. Google Maps says that’s 771 km on the A2, which should take around 7 hours. But hitch-hiking can (and will) take much longer.

I’ll be leaving Berlin around 7 AM, and I’ll be really happy if I can make it to Brussels on the same day. I will be meeting some friends there, but they leave on Saturday morning.

I will try my chance on CouchSurfing in Brussels (and ask at a few other places along the way just to make sure I have a place to sleep in case I can’t make it to my destination in one day). Needless to say, I am still unprepared and haven’t put together most of the gear I’ll need in my journey. This extended weekend in Berlin was exhausting, I didn’t get much done…

Acid Reflux

“Don’t you drink alcohol?” – I get frequently asked this by people that have just met me in a social context where there’s alcohol involved. Sometimes it’s just “not now; ok”, but some other times people get intrigued by this choice and want to know more about it.

“Why aren’t you drinking? No wine? No beer? Did you ever drink? Is it a health issue? Is it a life choice? Is it because you don’t like the taste?” and it goes on and on.

The thing is that I love beer. Not ‘get-drunk-cheap’ beer, but good tasting beers, specially ales. I also like some wine, but I can only tell between ‘horrible wine’ and ‘not horrible wine’.

However, I have drunk next to no alcohol for the past year or so. I gradually started drinking less down to the point where I wasn’t drinking any. And from that point it was just on rare occasions.

The main reason was because of a series of lifestyle changes I had in the past couple of years to cut down on acid reflux symptoms. The lifestyle changes include:

  • only sleeping after an hour or more after eating;
  • eating more times per day in smaller portions;
  • not drinking (anything) while eating;
  • not eating spicy foods;
  • eating more stuff which is supposedly good for my stomach, like apples and cabbage;
  • not eating tomato (although tomatoes are fine for me if I remove the seeds and the juice);
  • not drinking coffee or anything with lots of caffeine (like club-mate);
  • not drinking Coca-Cola (as weird as it may sound, drinking Pepsi is perfectly fine for me); and
  • not drinking alcohol.

Today during dinner I met a medical doctor that wanted to know why I wasn’t drinking. When I mentioned the acid reflux, he gave me a good overview of when and why it happens. I won’t try to explain what he told me, because I am not a medical doctor myself and I don’t want to put more incorrect medical information on the Internet than there already is =).

There is also the fact that after my nervous breakdown I had to take some medications that don’t mix well at all with alcohol, but these should be temporary. Being nervous also causes acid reflux symptoms. I was told the  medications that could help me relieve those symptoms are ranitidine and omeprazole.

So for the moment I am not drinking. This should change soon though. I have lots of good French wine and Belgian beer to taste on my way =)

The Route pt. 2

European long-distance paths cross Europe many times over. From north to south or west to east or whatever you want, you’ll find a path. Those paths are designated by the European Ramblers’ Association and seem (in principle) very nice.

European long-distance paths

Unfortunately, following these paths, I no longer get a straight line from point A to point B like in my first post about the route. But that was just a rough estimate. It was quite dumb actually =). Should I walk faster and finish the journey in 3 months or walk normally and probably take one month longer?

Anyways, I’m still in doubt where to start from. Pointe du Raz is the starting point of E5. It looks nice in Google Maps, maybe I can start from there?

Pointe du Raz: possible starting point?
Pointe du Raz: possible starting point?

Or I could start the Coastal Path E9 in Brest or Nantes. But starting in a city seems less fun than at Pointe du Raz. Also, in E9, it’s just coast all along, I might get bored…

So, should I start in E5 or  E9?

The Unprepared Hitch-Hiker

The starting point of this long journey will be Berlin.

“Weren’t you going to start in Western France?” – You might be asking yourself.

Yes, I’ll start hiking in France, but my journey starts in Berlin.

“Why?”: It doesn’t matter.

I will be hitch-hiking from Berlin to Western France to the place I will actually start hiking.

For the following days I will therefore become The Unprepared Hitch-Hiker!

I have hitch-hiked in the past, but always for short distances. This will be my first attempt at a multiple-day-hitch-hike.

Any tips? Wish me luck.

Couch Surfing

Where will I sleep while on this journey? Camping, most of the time. But I will also try my chance at Couch Surfing.

You can follow my profile here:

Couch Surfing is not new to me: I have surfed and hosted many times in the past, but I’ve always had some time to organize myself. This time I’ll be always on the move, so I might be 20km short of reaching the destination on schedule, or arrive a day too early.

Let’s see how this goes. If you find yourself on my route and would like to host me, please let me know =)

Meet Laetitia

Meet Laetitia van Gogh:

Laetitia will appear in most pictures I take

She will appear in most pictures I take and post here in this blog. Yes, just like in Amélie Poulain. I’m not that original…

She’s missing an ear, so she can’t hear very well. But don’t mention that to her, she gets upset if you do…