In the one week I spent in Germany, I tried to speak as much German as I could. It went quite well, and in the end I was able to hitch-hike asking people directly in German. But once I got to Belgium I noticed something horrible: I forgot how to French!
I had learned French as a child while living in Québec, Canada.

Well, it’s ‘not quite’ French: it’s Québécois. It’s a mixture of Classical French with a bizarre pronunciation, many loan words from English, and a bunch of church-related swear words.
They might have a hard time understanding me from time to time, or make fun of me from time to time, but in the end we get along very well.
Anyways, I think I can only learn so many languages, the same way Pokemons can only learn four moves. I got German all mixed up into French, a language I used to speak fluently.
After a few days in Belgium and France, I think I finally recovered my French. Now the question is: what has become of my German? We’ll see about that once I reach Germany again =)
Je habe das gleiche Problème.